I’ve been using Hullomail for some time now, it is a visual voicemail system that alerts you when someone calls and leaves a message on
I’ve been using Hullomail for some time now, it is a visual voicemail system that alerts you when someone calls and leaves a message on
With the recent change to the law regarding driving while using a mobile phone, the rules have changed and holding a mobile phone when driving
One of the big advantages Apple has is the ability to do things easily, but often this comes at a cost. In the sense of
A couple of days ago Google pulled some apps that made use of a SDK (Software Development Kit) that harvested user data and sent it
Whenever anyone asks me about Macs and PCs, I tell them I’m platform agnostic. I have been using computers for a very long time, having
Did you know you can lock your computer with your phone? It’s quite simple to set up and when you walk away your computer will
Did you know that you can take a smart phone, install some software and connect it to your computer and use it as a webcam?
Just as you can mirror an iPhone or iPad, you can do a similar setup with Android devices. Miracast Miracast is not a device, but
Back in 2007, Apple filed a patent for Magsafe, a magnetic charger connector for their Apple laptop range. At the time, if someone tripped on
If you have an iPhone or iPad and an AirPrint capable printer, you can easily print from any app using the Share feature. You need
Modern smartphones can use a system known as NFC or Near Field Communication to pay for goods and services with a contactless transaction. Unlike a
Several telephone operators offer a call screening service, this reduces the chances of a scammer or a sales person from being able to contact you,