PI day
In the USA, 14th March is called PI day, because the date is written 3.14, and is a mathematical equation that represents the relationship of
In the USA, 14th March is called PI day, because the date is written 3.14, and is a mathematical equation that represents the relationship of
The Raspberry Pi Pico has been released. A £5 microcontroller board that can be used with GPIO accessories. You can program the board using MicroPython.
Making things from wood has been something people have done for thousands of years. Decorative effects have been carved into wood and used in churches,
Everyone has heard of DIY or Do It Yourself, well there is now a growing trend now that Google Brain has teamed up with Coral
The Raspberry Pi foundation had a typo in their instruction manual that said they had an 8GB version of the Raspberry Pi 4 when they
BBC Micro (Model B) When I was a kid in secondary school back in 1984, my parents bought a ZX Spectrum. The school however, bought
Today, the Raspberry Pi team have announced they have launched a 12.3MP camera module for the Raspberry Pi for £50. The previous camera modules were
Would you like to have a fancy doorbell like you see on the Internet, with a camera that you can see the caller on? The
During the lock down, there has been panic buying of webcams because everyone needs to see each other over video conferencing. Amazon have sold out
The Coronavirus has put a lot of people on lockdown, so you can’t go out too often. This is the perfect time to do some
Home security can be expensive, although you can buy dummy cameras and make it look like you have security at your property, the cameras look