Avira crypto

I’ve always found it alarming when something that should be protecting your computer, such as an antivirus program goes rogue, but that is exactly what

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GPS Tracker

Unlike the tracker tags like Tile or Apple’s AirTag, or Samsung’s SmartTag which rely on Bluetooth technology to locate a lost item and the fact

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Scammers get worse

I was called out to a customer who had been scammed, but what I found was something much worse. Scammers are now using techniques gained

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I’ve realised I’ve never made a post about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies differ from normal currencies issued by countries because traditionally,

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group, therapy, counseling

H is for Help

We all need help in different ways. The Internet has lots of training courses we can tap into and learn new skills. Some are free

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usb, disk, disc

B is for Backup

Continuing the series for the #IncreaseVSChallenge for March, B is for Backup. Backups are essential for ensuring you don’t lose your precious photos or anything

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Beige a freestanding letter decor

A is for…

Since this is the first day of March, which is the start of the #IncreaseVSChallenge. The alphabet is a word that comes from the first

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Anonymous computer hacker in white mask and hoodie.

Cyber Stalking

Cyberstalking is a huge menace in society, since it is easy to fall foul to a stalker, be they an ex friend or someone you

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template, layout, website

Browsing safely

There is a nasty cross browser attack that infects your computer and attempts to steal your passwords as well as giving you ads that steer

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analogue business close up computer

Wiping drives

When recycling and repurposing a computer, it is always best practice to wipe all data from the drive. The best way to do this is

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