Windows Power Toys

Microsoft introduced PowerToys with Windows 95 which included a set of tools that enabled the user to tweak Windows the way they wanted. Later Microsoft

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Digital Detox

We live in a world where emails are commonplace, but we tend to ignore about 60% of them. We can subscribe to many mailing lists

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Dynamic DNS

Most servers on the Internet keep the same IP address all the time, it makes life easy for their users. However, users on non-business broadband

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Back in 1967, the Consumer Electronics Show was launched, and every year it shows off the latest tech every year in Las Vegas. Integrated Tech

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Linux Mint

In my spare time I am reinstalling old laptops and desktop computers for Tubbs Computer Supplies so they can be given to low income families.

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Free encryption

In the past there was a program called True Crypt that used to do advanced encryption. Unfortunately, during an inspection by the company there were

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